~摘自《惜福惜财惜缘 克服贪心 自私心 我执心 》
你们救渡了众生,佛菩萨就会救渡你们,你们能听得懂吗?要修身养性,修自己的身体,要好好的调养自己的本性。如果学佛不修心,就等于不学佛,说我天天磕头呀,我学佛了,但不修心,你就等于不学佛,没有用的,一定要修自己的心。 念经!
Shuohua20130405 16:23
Female Listener: I have been practising Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door for slightly more than a year already. My daughter initiated me. Master, please correct my faults.
Master: Are you not aware of your own faults? You should not talk or gossip unnecessarily. (Which sutra should I recite?) While doing recitation, unnecessary gossips will cause a ‘leakage’ to the recitation. You might as well not do any recitation. (I will definitely change) When doing recitation, there is a connection with Bodhisattva. Therefore gossiping unnecessarily even though you are not doing recitation, your aura is still connected up there with the Bodhisattva and your name will be easily recorded. (Alright, I know) You should control your temperament to avoid feeling very unhappy. (I will definitely change). Otherwise, you will be wasting your time cultivating yourself in these two years. Many people do not cultivate well no matter how much they practise. (Note: at this point, listener’s daughter took over the phone) (Greetings to you Master, thank you for enlightening my mother. My mother loves to gossip and has a very bad temperament. This is a good chance for Master to correct her). If she continues to gossip, her recitation will not be effective in the long term, and her health will be affected very badly in her later years. (Thank you Master for your enlightenment).
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[emoji271]Shuohua20130405 16:23[emoji261]
[emoji522]Female Listener: I have been practising Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door for slightly more than a year already. My daughter initiated me. Master, please correct my faults.
[emoji521]Master: Are you not aware of your own faults? You should not talk or gossip unnecessarily. (Which sutra should I recite?) While doing recitation, unnecessary gossips will cause a ‘leakage’ to the recitation. You might as well not do any recitation. (I will definitely change) When doing recitation, there is a connection with Bodhisattva. Therefore gossiping unnecessarily even though you are not doing recitation, your aura is still connected up there with the Bodhisattva and your name will be easily recorded. (Alright, I know) You should control your temperament to avoid feeling very unhappy. (I will definitely change). Otherwise, you will be wasting your time cultivating yourself in these two years. Many people do not cultivate well no matter how much they practise. (Note: at this point, listener’s daughter took over the phone) (Greetings to you Master, thank you for enlightening my mother. My mother loves to gossip and has a very bad temperament. This is a good chance for Master to correct her). If she continues to gossip, her recitation will not be effective in the long term, and her health will be affected very badly in her later years. (Thank you Master for your enlightenment).
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