Extract from the forum:-
Someone wrote this in response to queries raised about the questionable nature of Master Lu's concept of Buddhism....
The paragraphs in bold are important.
"Little House" is explained below...
Buddhism is a extremely broad religion and the true extent can not be explained in a matter of books or teachings as it also relies relies on the intelligence and experiences of that person. Buddhism also teaches that time and space is neither finite or infinite to which it is really beyond the comprehension that mortals can perceive it as to which is why i would to share my experiences based on Master Lu Jun Hong' teachings and traditional buddhism based on Lord Shakyamuni's teaching and empirical insight.
I would like to elaborate on the "small houses" first of all, for people who dont know it is a composition of four mantras which includes the great compassion mantra (大悲咒), heart sutra (般若波罗蜜多心经), the pure land spiritual rebirth mantra (往生淨土神咒) and The Seven Buddhas Blame Dispersing True Words (七佛滅罪真言). Each mantra contains immeasure power which i dont feel the need to explain as any buddhist learner knows that they are mantras passed down from many Buddhas and Boddhisatva's. I did not use the sankrit or tibetan names as because their versions are a bit different so ill keep to the Chinese names for now.
The great compassion mantra and heart sutra are passed down specifically from Boddhisatva Guan Shi Yin each to its own purpose. I'd to mention that the om mani padme hum mantra is also passed down from Boddhisatva Guan Shi Yin as well. This information of course comes from another sutra which is explained by the Buddha. I will link up the information regarding the existence of sutras at the end. Now the remaining two mantras come from the dasa cula mantras (ten small mantras) or 十小咒. Why am I explaining such basic things, well it is firstly to you explain to you that the mantras are nothing new and remain perfectly inline with traditional buddhist texts. If do not you know, Master Lu Jun Hong and the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door greatly venerates Boddhisatva Guan Shi Yin being part of exiting the cycle of rebirth as well as being known profoundly being extremely compassionate and merciful. Through recitations, Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa is able help us because as we all should know, by reciting mantras from buddhas and boddhisatvas, you can earn good deeds (功德).Read the story of the Great Brahma (梵天) and how he was able free souls from the underworld by having them recite his name if you don't believe me.
We can eliminate our sins in this process and elevate our position from suffering. Most of what Master Lu Jun Hong expresses and informs is based on what Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa tells or reveals to him if you listen closely to prior live radio sessions. Now back on topic, Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa is known for extreme compassion as part of the four major buddhisatvas and is also the key representation for this dharma door (法门). Now people may think a Boddhisatva is nothing as powerful or cultivated as a Buddha but please do not forgot the Guan Yin Pu Sa was once a Buddha as well and the main difference lies with helping others from suffering. There are ten levels differentiating boddhisatva hood. It should not surprise as well that the major mantras required are by Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa. In short, the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door is a way for Guan Yin Pu Sa to relieve ourselfs from suffering.
25 Mar `14, 11:21PM
Origin of Om Mani Padme Hum, in collaboration with Ven. Hai Tao: - animated - person talking
Origin of Great Compassion Mantra animated. in collaboration with Ven. Hai Tao: - animated
Buddhist insight, we all know that all lives are predetermined from the moment we are born and you can prove it should you ever visit a reputed fortune teller or even buddhist monks. My mother use to visit fortune tellers in the past before she was a buddhist and the results were similar if not identical as predicted. Every bit from a failed first marriage to the time she would buy a house and everything so fourth. The results were even the same from monks as she use to practice vajrayana tibetan buddhism. I can tell that you reciting mantras were also important in that sect and the same mantras as Master Lu Jun Hong except in Tibetan. Now, everything that happens in life including wealth, fortune, misfortune, marriage, death etc are all predetermined as a result of past lives and their actions to which despite prior knowledge can not save you from such. Master Lu Ju Hong teaches us that as normal people without meditating in a temple, we are able to relieve ourselfs from such suffering if we able to make up for our past lives sins by doing meritorious deeds such as deep repentence, recitations and everything else good. By eliminating our sins with merit, we are able to improve our lives and better reach the path of buddha hood. This is just like 了凡 whom despite being told about his lifes fortunes and misfortunes, was able to make a change and wrote his experiences in a book called 了凡四训 originally made for his children.
How can we change our lives if everything is already predetermined? The answer is that we must eliminate our sins past from lives and repent. From being the vice president, CEO, businesswoman, average blue collar to even becoming a buddhist monk is nothing which is not predetermined. I have to emphasise that destiny is real and whether hard work and effort is involved does not change the reality what harvests you entitled to have. Master Lu Jun Hong emphasises the importance of not committing sins either through the mind or action as he proves once and once again to people through seeing one's totem. What goes around comes around or just plain simply karma. No one in the real world will believe karma unless you prove it to them.
Master Lu Jun Hong also stresses the importance as you see, the world we live in may be technologically advanced but is lacking in the important areas of basic human empathy. This is proven by the alarming rates of people being diagnosed with mental illness such as autism, reliance on alcohol, drugs, gambling, anti social behaviour, bullying, children addicted to games and unhealthy online material etc. These problems affect society as a result. These all nothing new to modern buddhist practitioners but however, how many of you people can see the reality from just mere observation? Are people suffering from depression because of a lack of dopamine or sleep? Is genetic deformity or hereditary diseases just misfortune? Well the reality is that our observation is not wrong but just not the whole picture what is happening. In that case, then what is the whole picture, well it is something i can not explain because i dont have the experience but Lord Shakyamuni Buddha explains to us, many revelations were made due to his empirical observations as well as experience from previous lives such as many lives being a Sakra god, Brahma and many inconceivable lifeforms. We can not just compare people whom have cultivated knowledge and powers and compare them with ourselves. Why must we disparage Masters when we are still the way of ardous journey of Buddhahood? Our experiences make up our individual yet our individuality is just as empty an empty teacup. Our very existence is based on our skandha (五蕴) and is the reason why are still trapped in the cycle of rebirth and suffering.
Master Lu Jun Hong's approach is to really let us look beyond the reality of the human realm aim for higher aspirations. Whom in there right mind would ever practice Buddhism if they were living a life full of wealth or happiness? Would you ever practice Buddhism and renounce your possessions if you felt life was so fulfilling? Would you renounce your marriage if your wife was the most beautiful lady in the world or your husband was the most kind and charming man in the world? By viewing our worldy existence as a result of karma and fruits is really a way of educating people to lead a meritorious path. It is important that elderly people to learn Buddhism but also young people as they shape the future of the world.
26 Mar `14, 12:05AM
Now for some reality dose, civilisation will not continue to flourish at our current rate due to the depletion of resources, overpopulation, etc. Just these two problems alone will mean that our world will most likely collapse let alone pollution such as in China which is why people are dying to get out ( I am a Chinese Australian by the way). People will most likely run out of food and chaos is bound to occur if should the global elite continue to horde the worlds wealth thus threatening the entire existence of humanity. Sea animals already face tremendous stress on reproduction due to overfishing and pollution whilst land animals have been wiped out to be left in very few regions of the planet. Can we Buddhists not make a change?
We are at the end of a cycle of prosperity now, as humans, life has never been better. From the Roman Empire where slavery, war, prostitution, being double tongued etc to their demise by the Huns, civil war etc, European Middle Age (Vlad the impaler), 30 days war, Napoleonic Wars, WW1, WW2 , Vietnam, Gulf, Iraq , Afghanistan wars etc. I conclude that humanity will collapse against due to greed and that human realm is really just an illusion. One minute of happiness for example feels shorter than one minute of suffering yet time is equal but we complain when we suffer. Why am I certain that humanity will reach a down point again is because, humanity is doomed to repeat the same mistakes of history just as the Buddha said. Why must we Buddhists not take action just like Master Lu Jun Hong and spread the teachings? If he people with cancer heal themselves or mental illness sufferers heal themselves then why not spread the light?
The Shakyamuni Buddha knew that humans were incapable of understanding such concepts due to our stupidity and ignorance yet was persuaded by a Brahma God to stay on earth and teach Buddhism. If the Buddha had entered Nirvana earlier than we would had been fairly doomed since buddhisms teaches the escape of the cycle of suffering and rebirth.
I have to emphasise that Master Lu Jun Hong has been spreading and disseminating Buddhism using evidence through the totem to European and English speaking countries. He communicates in English despite it not being his native language which a plus and promotes Buddhist ideals breaking the myth that the Shakyamuni Buddhi was a supernatural historical figure.
Edited by Kanzeo 26 Mar `14, 12:11AM
26 Mar `14, 12:37AM
I have to emphasise regardless of which sect or branch of Buddhism, each is to their to own merit and suitability regarding the follower. This is due to karma as it should known since whom we meet or have good feelings, not just man and woman relationship but any person you come in contact with is a result of karma. Those who follow Master Lu Jun Hong too are not immune from karma especially when he had a been cultivating for many lives.
My analogy goes here, there once was a doctor whom followed the revered teachings of his master passed down many generations ago to which he uses to this day. He was very famous and everywhere he went, there were greetings because he was not only very kind but also very respectful. He often went on mountains to collect herbs and essences for medicine and cooked them as medicine. Now as time went by with the doctor still using his traditional methods and still as perfect as ever, a new doctor arrived. This new doctor brought with him not only the traditional methods of medicine but also acupuncture and was ever so liked by the locals. The old doctor as a result did not want to change as he still believed in his traditional ways and did not bother look or even learn about acupuncture. He was still very liked but the new doctor not only knew nearly everything he knew but also travelled alot more places and had a lot more herbs and medicine. One thing was that he too also studied from the branch of medicine however learned and reinvented methods along the way. The new doctors method of acupuncture not only benefitted many of the locals but also healed many patients. The old doctor thinking that his method was the most correct in the end did not really consider the new method and as a result remained healing traditionally. The new method persevered in the end saving a bit a more lives thus explaining that as long the method is effective and works, it really shouldnt matter which doctor the patient chooses.
I can personally confirm that the Master Lu Jun Hong's methods do work and will last into the future.