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Full Version: Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu
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Countless buddhas and bodhisattva graced the grand convention at national stadium today .

Thank you to u all

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[emoji521]师父[CURLY LOOP]恭请释迦牟尼佛,阿弥陀佛,观世音菩萨,大势至菩萨,弥勒菩萨,文殊菩萨,普贤菩萨,地藏王菩萨,十方尽虚空遍法界一切诸佛菩萨,龙天护法护持、保佑我们,让我们的祈福功德圆满。

师父出场带领全场祈愿时,天空霞光祥云朵朵,美妙绝伦[emoji169]祈愿世界和平[HEAVY BLACK HEART]️


[emoji120]二祈愿,愿我们真诚的心,祈福自己的父母、兄弟姐妹,所有亲人 健康、快乐、长寿。

[emoji120]三祈愿,愿新加坡民众及全世界善男信女,消除业障、人心向善,福慧双收,离苦得乐。 请诸佛菩萨将福祉回向新加坡民众和全世界有缘众生,祈福心得智慧,祈福人得福报。

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(Master Jun Hong Lu's call-in radio program)


Generally, under such situations, you have to recite more *_Heart Sutra_* and to find specific way to solve each individual problem. Your prayer to Guan Yin Bodhisattva will be, "May Guan Yin Bodhisattva have mercy on me. Recently, I am harried by a particular issue. May Guan Yin Bodhisattva have mercy on me. I would like to recite 108 times of the *_Heart Sutra_* to help me resolve the karmic knots. May Guan Yin Bodhisattva bless wisdom upon me and help me transcend the secular mindset". Because of the statement "transcend the secular mindset", Bodhisattva will help to elevate your state of mind and will soon be able to come round. It is extremely efficacious!

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【台长开示】2017新加坡法会,佛菩萨要出来三分之二! 2017 The Most Phenomenal Singapore Dharma Convention

2/3 of buddhas came down from Western Paradise.. those with heavenly eyes would have witnessed the magnificient scenes beyond description.