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Full Version: Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu
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An Excerpt from
Master Jun Hong Lu's
Public Talk in Singapore
April 22, 2016


Hardships in life are nothing. I have always told you, we have to learn to endure two types of hardship. Number one, learn to take losses; number two, learn to take the shorter end of the stick. On our path of practising Buddhism, it is through experiencing hardships that we understand that nothing whatsoever should be grasped at or clung to.

When a person is in a state of exhilaration, he will not be able to find his way home. Just like a happy drunkard not making sense of who he is. As Buddhist practitioners, we have to learn to control our desires, only then are we able to elevate our state of mind to attain Bodhisattva’s “samyak-sambodhi” {Note: Supreme Enlightenment}.

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Wenda20120506B 11:28
[Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program]


Caller: I am one of Master Lu’s followers. However, I still harbour feelings of resentment and vengeance within every time I encounter a difficult situation. Why is this so?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Everything happens as a result of karma. A true Buddhist practitioner is one who is compassionate and able to forget the shortcomings of others. If you are compassionate, you should not hate others. If you still harbour thoughts of resentment and vengeance, it shows that you are still lacking in your cultivation. We can only try our best to advise people who we have lower expectations of, not to hate others.

Resentment cannot resolve your problems but will only hurt you. For example, say you hate a person to the core and eventually get them landed in jail for five years. When they almost complete his jail term, you would be terrified, as you would be unable to anticipate what they will do to seek revenge against you after their release from prison. Such torment will go on forever. Therefore, a true Buddhist practitioner must not hate others. Let bygones be bygones and you will be able to avoid a disaster.

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