(03-03-2020, 01:25 AM)jfc18 Wrote: [ -> ]Now my question is, do you think most countries govt (first world to third) and their healthcare systems can do what Spore has done, which is to take well-coordinated, swift and decisive actions? If the answer is a resounding yes, then Covid19 will be short lived, maybe eradicated by summer as some experts have pointed out. If the answer is a dismal no, then Covid19 will perhaps be a long drawn battle which may take years (not months) to play out, and it may jolly well be present in mankind forever until a viable vaccine is invented. I hope I am wrong but my thinking is more geared towards the latter answer.
At pre Covid19, SATS PE is 20x at $4. The most optimistic take is its earning will be halved, so PE will be 40x now. However, it can easily bleed money for many quarters before a turnaround of fortune. How can SATS be cashflow positive when global air traffic is not taking off? Forget about the dividends. If there's no earnings, there can be no dividends so as to speak.
SATS is a wonderful business to own. It's long term prospect is bright. Changi T5, rising middle class of S.E.A, China and India, captain of its industry, competent mgmt, strong economic moats. But at $4 in time of Covid19 crisis, is it a fair price to pay? My take is that it still has plenty of room to fall. The share price must reflect its earnings and cashflow somehow.
What you mentioned abt comparing other countries with SG struck a chord with me. I always remind myself to not use SG as a reference(local/home bias) because in the grand scheme of things, we are just a very small city that we even hv to be mindful of our airspace/ waterways(for the free flow of gds & services), the political parties forming the govts in our neighbouring countries during their elections, being a price-taker, etc. Sometimes, I am not sure what the the media is trying to convey whenever they simply publish country related comparison rankings (be it Covid 19 cases, cost of living, best country to live, etc) without comprehensive background context. It doesn't make sense to simply compare say Jap, China, etc vs small SG.
Other than the healthcare system(infrastructure, manpower, logistics, etc), there could be other challenges to handle in other countries, e.g. :
“One of them was already quarantined but then ran away. Another has refused since the beginning and can’t be reached now. They refused to be quarantined because they’re afraid of losing their jobs and income,” Riau Islands Health Agency head Tjeptjep Yudiana said on March 3.
I am in agreement too with your part on the "downstream" effects like young children, aged parents. Adding to that, for children in child care / primary schools or even living in an estate with a lot of elderly neighbours - it can potentially be a "social" nightmare to deal with.
There seems to be a possiblity that because symptoms can be mild and common(like sore throat), people may already hv been infected without them knowing. And with the easier transmission, a lot of people cld actually be carrying the virus :
"Harvard epidemiology professor Marc Lipsitch told the publication that he predicts about 40 to 70 per cent of people around the world will be infected with
the SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid-19) within the coming year."
Yes, great in depth discussion on SATs here.
In general, I also have a conservative estimate on 50% drop in earnings when I evaluate my targetted stocks(in general, not just referring to SATS) given the whole world(as welll as the entire supply chain) is probably affected in one way or another. Like what fellow buddies mentioned, I am inclined to think that this covid19 episode is eventually going to pass, and good established companies with a track record will likely resume their earnings & outlooks in 1 or 2 year's time and valuations wld probably fall back to "normal" as well. In my view, the price discounts for equities are somewhat a "short term reaction" to a specific event and may be available for only a small time window(couple of mths ?). Then again, who knows if the mkt then decides on fixating on another event like the US Presidential Election.
For what it's worth, even the great legend himself "took the plunge" recently. I am very surprised because I thought it's too early to buy, especially for an airline business which is probably going to be badly affected.
https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/buff...e-purchase (Published March 3)
"Buffett spent $45.3 million on 976,507 shares of Delta on Thursday, according to a regulatory filing on Monday, paying an average price of $46.40."
"But no one can tell you this is
the time to buy. Nobody knows."
https://www.oaktreecapital.com/insights/...arks-memos (March 3, 2020)
PS Weijian : Agree it's a gd idea to hv a dedicated covid19 thread, but because I am directly referencing to a post so I parked my comments here. Hope you understand.