For value buy I would prefer investment in Hewlett Packard. Chartwise it looks to be entering a trough sideways movement quite cheap at usd 17 . So it means you are buying at bottom prices. They have changed several CEO's already the previous only lasted a year, many critics are predicting HP won't last beyond 2013 why I think this time is different.
The new CEO Meg whitman lets look at her. (source wikipedia)
worked for disney dreamworks p&g, was ceo for ebay and ran it for 10years transformed the company from a 4 million a year to 8 billion a year revenue company. ran for governor of califonia but lost
All these qualities shows me an ambitious person. She's already a billionaire so this means she's not doing it for the money, she more likely fits the profile of someone hungry to make her mark on the business world. Means she will die die whip HP into shape and prove all her critics wrong. I will be very surprised if she leaves before turning HP around and making it profitable again or at the very least try to orchestrate a white knight for HP.
Only very few companies have the resources to buy over HP.
IBM Oracle Microsoft.
Antitrust laws will unfortunately prevent IBM from buying out HP so that's out.
Oracle is sitting pretty on 29billion in cash reserves they bought over sun a few years ago and gained Sun's customers and Mark Hurd of oracle (previously ex-ceo of HP) have an axe to grind with HP but more importantly they also want to dominate business software and overtake microsoft or even kill microsoft market share. Buying over HP means it allows them to gain over HP's many enterprise customers which also uses oracle database products But they will also end up owning HP's problems.
Microsoft definately have the financial resources or have the means to buy out HP and HP owns compaq which is the largest pc desktop/laptop/server maker in the world which runs on microsoft os and microsoft products so there is definately synergies there and definately they will be anxious for HP not to fall to oracle.
So there we have it why I think HP is a good buy at these prices
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The new CEO Meg whitman lets look at her. (source wikipedia)
worked for disney dreamworks p&g, was ceo for ebay and ran it for 10years transformed the company from a 4 million a year to 8 billion a year revenue company. ran for governor of califonia but lost
All these qualities shows me an ambitious person. She's already a billionaire so this means she's not doing it for the money, she more likely fits the profile of someone hungry to make her mark on the business world. Means she will die die whip HP into shape and prove all her critics wrong. I will be very surprised if she leaves before turning HP around and making it profitable again or at the very least try to orchestrate a white knight for HP.
Only very few companies have the resources to buy over HP.
IBM Oracle Microsoft.
Antitrust laws will unfortunately prevent IBM from buying out HP so that's out.
Oracle is sitting pretty on 29billion in cash reserves they bought over sun a few years ago and gained Sun's customers and Mark Hurd of oracle (previously ex-ceo of HP) have an axe to grind with HP but more importantly they also want to dominate business software and overtake microsoft or even kill microsoft market share. Buying over HP means it allows them to gain over HP's many enterprise customers which also uses oracle database products But they will also end up owning HP's problems.
Microsoft definately have the financial resources or have the means to buy out HP and HP owns compaq which is the largest pc desktop/laptop/server maker in the world which runs on microsoft os and microsoft products so there is definately synergies there and definately they will be anxious for HP not to fall to oracle.
So there we have it why I think HP is a good buy at these prices
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