KFIMA - unrecognized transition

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KFIMA made it big in its early days due to its security printing business. I suspect that it was a business that resulted from it "political" connections. Anyway over the years, there were changes to the political scene. To make the long story short, KFIMA eventually lost this "windfall" business.

The good thing was that over the years, when it had the windfall business, it also diversified into other sectors. So it got deeper into bulking, fisheries and plantations.

I think today, the non-security printing businesses have become much bigger contributors to the bottom line. So while there is not going to be much growth in the security printing business, the other segments are growing. But I don't think the market has recognized this change.

It is an interesting question of why the market is behaving in such a manner.  I covered KFIMA as one of the case studies in my ebook and if you do a DCF valuation, you will see that there is a margin of safety.

FYI I have converted part of my ebook into infographics format that is freely available from https://www.i4value.asia/2022/08/do-you-....html#more

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