Willie Keng, Founder of Dividend Titan wrote about AIT, being a boring Singapore dividend grower.
I had never vested in any REITs except AIT.
The reason why I did not buy any REIT is simple:
The reason why I vested in AIT is rather simple:
1. It IPO around $1, and then it goes all the way up to $1.20.
2. When the financial crisis hit, I mopped up at 80+cents using all the $$$ I could find.
3. I like AIT because it's a business trust and not just a REIT. Business trust come with certain risks but these risks at the hand of a professional become a great advantage.
4. Of course, Philip Yeo is the main reason why I have the courage to vest a big amount (bigger than usual).
5. Again, Philip Yeo design/built AIT with exceptionally well thought ideas - armed with SuZhou Industrial Park experience, is again something worth putting in a bigger amount.
6. Last but not least, the first right of refusal from Ascendas was a competitive edge too.
7. Again, if you look at the history of AIT, no rights, no issuance of rights. This feature would be something very useful for retirees.
When I read Willie post (written yesterday), I was very excited because I think he got it!
My thoughts on Ascendas India Trust?
If you want to diversify your dividend portfolio from Singapore properties into other countries, yet still want a familiar and reputable landlord, Ascendas India Trust is a great way to invest.
And its growth is riding on India’s massive IT outsourcing trends.
I know COVID halved some of the company’s distributions last year.
But once this pandemic recovers, I believe Ascendas India Trust will resume its growing distribution of more than 9 cents per unit.
That’s going to give investors 7% dividend yield (based on 2019 DPU and today’s share price).
Stay home and stay safe, everyone.