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Diversification: How many investment positions do you have at any one time

We all know Diversification is important. On average, How many different positions do you have at any one time? We are talking about non cash positions in stocks or bonds.

For me ard 8-12 positions.
Going for 10 in the past but recently i find 10% is quite large still, so my plan is to up more but attention span expanded for the additionals have to be managed with lower risk type of stocks.
do u mean open position or closed positions or suspended positions or long-term positions?
Been investing for 7 years, I usually hold 2-5 stocks only
I try to be focused and only invest in companies I understand very well
I have 4 positions currently but a single positions can be a very significant proportion of my total investment portfolio (>50%) so I don't really practise diversification in that sense.
I have around 6-7 including cash, usually I have only 4 core positions consisting of around 20% of the entire portfolio each. Then I have some small ones lying around my portfolio not doing much.
I like to hold ~20 different shares but dominanted by a couple of key focus company.
For me, <=10 evenly distributed stocks are the norm, but I might need to add more, with larger portfolio size. The 10% on small cap seems getting more difficult to accumulate.
for me, around 40 ( 2 pages on SCB website). Largest position is about 10% of the total. All are small caps, many are illiquid or heavily manipulated.
I hv around 16-20 positions. When I first started, I hv around 7. Increase to 10, then 15. Because I hv experienced cases of sudden bad news eg china minzhong, its better for me diversify a bit. Also, as yr portfolio gets larger, the $ loss becomes bigger if I limit to 10 positions.
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