: Value Investing Forum - Singapore, Hong Kong, U.S.

Full Version: Dow, S&P 500 end at record highs as Fed leaves stimulus intact
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Pages: 1 2
Addicted to steroids man...

Future pain will be heavier
short term gain, long term pain
No complaints.... Make hay while the sun shines....
Volatility is the friend of not just traders, but also the unorthodox group of hyper-active value investors who enjoys doing switching, rebalancing or value arbitrage - select your own preferred term...Cool
now it seems like a trader's market
even reits have such strong volumes as traders can buy and sell for 3-5% gains in a matter of days lol

as the STI heads back towards the 3300, blue chips are looking expensive again in terms of valuation

the recent 3000 level was a really good time for loading up more blue chips, congrats to those who the the courage to swim again the tide
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