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Full Version: Is Gold considered as investment or insurance?
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Five Warning Signs The End Of Dollar Hegemony Is Near... Here's What Happens Next
Peter Hambro: BIS, Central Banks Are Rigging Gold Market Using Bullion Banks' Paper Gold
Singapore's Central Bank Boosts Gold Reserves By 30% To Nearly 200 Tonnes
'23.05.09【豐富│東南西北龍鳳配】Pt.4 全球央行為何大買黃金?
Given the interest in gold, I wanted to find out whether the Bursa Malaysia gold stocks are proxies for gold. I thus compared the changes in the stock prices and fundamentals with changes in gold prices. Surprise, surprise. There is no correlation. For details refer to
Consolidation over???? On the next way up???

China sold $53.3 billion of US treasuries & agency debt in Q1.

We also know they bought a record amount of gold!

Sold treasuries to buy gold….
(19-05-2024, 11:44 AM)Behappyalways Wrote: [ -> ]Consolidation over???? On the next way up???

China sold $53.3 billion of US treasuries & agency debt in Q1.

We also know they bought a record amount of gold!

Sold treasuries to buy gold….

Why nobody asks, who bought and sold to China? 

Each transaction has a buyer and a seller.
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